Wednesday, June 19, 2013

First Entry! :)

Welcome to my AP Biology Blog!  My name is Emily and I am a ballerina.  I am a part of a junior company, which means I am dancing 6 days a week.  I have danced many different roles, my favorite has to be "the Witch" in Snow White.  There is just something about dancing that makes me so happy.  For a moment you get to be on stage and tell a story, be an inspiration to someone watching.  Besides dance, I love science and I want to do cancer research for my career.  I have been affected by cancer through family members and friends.  I feel that cancer is something that needs to be stopped, and I want to be the one to help make that happen. 
I am taking AP Biology because I love science!  I loved biology and chemistry and I really wanted to dig deeper into my field of study.  I hope to get a better understanding of biology on a more detailed level.  I want to dive right into biology.  It is so interesting, I love it!
On a final note, thank you to all of the past AP biology students for your advice!  It really helped put this class into perspective.  I will also have a good idea of what I'm getting myself into.  With this summer assignment and your advice I know I will feel confident walking into AP Biology on my first day!
Have a fantastic summer!